Mouse Revisited: The atrocities of the Disney live-action remake

Brooke Jones, Entertainment Editor

Over the past five years, Disney has pumped out seven live-action remakes of family favorites like “Cinderella” and “Beauty and the Beast.” While their CGI effects and cast lineups have been stellar, their creativity has disappeared. 

Technology has developed exponentially since the days of the original “Snow White” (1937), but even with the new bells and whistles, Disney misses the mark when it comes to giving fans that nostalgic feeling. With every remake, the franchise strays further from its child-like magic and into an award-hungry monster.

The hype surrounding Disney movies used to be unmatched, but as the company shifted its attention towards expanding to other franchises like Marvel and LucasFilm, they began to take the easy route and remake their own movies for a guaranteed profit.

Part of what made franchises like “Star Wars” successful was their long breaks in between films to build up anticipation among fans. Once they started to mass produce film after film, fans got tired. 

The goal of Disney is no longer to entertain the kids, but to entertain the adults that watched the original films as children. In an effort to give an older generation a glimpse back into their childhood, they’ve lost a younger generation. 

I was born into the generation that got to obsess over movies like “Monsters Inc.”,“Lilo and Stitch”, and “Cars.” What separated these movies from the rest was their originality. The concepts in these movies were nothing like we could have ever dreamed of, and that was what fueled our love for Disney. However, the spark died once they realized they could simply recycle a script and work some CGI magic.

Disney has lost creativity and replaced it with a compulsive desire for money. No matter what, every remake will make millions of dollars, so why not continue to make them? If there is a way for a company to make even a cent more, they’ll jump on the opportunity. This greedy attitude has tainted both mine and other Disney fans’ perception of the once imaginative franchise.

I couldn’t tell you who played the voice of Belle or Ariel in the original films, but over the years, the emphasis on the celebrity value of their cast outweighs the actual talent of the actors. While I absolutely loved Beyoncé and Seth Rogen in the new “Lion King”, I’m not fully convinced that Disney cast them for their acting skills.

It’s heartbreaking to see that newer, more original movies like “Maleficent” and “Christopher Robin” don’t get the same attention as cookie cutter copies of movies we’ve seen time and time again. 

Although it’s exciting to see your childhood favorites on the big screen again, I think we can all agree that Disney is doing too much right now. It would be more beneficial for Disney to keep the nostalgia alive by producing more spin offs like “Maleficent” that can still appeal to older generations while giving younger generations a group of movies to call their own.