District-wide dress code revisions approved by school board


Graphic by Gavin Clang

Alex Toth, Entertainment Editor

As of April 2nd, The Bellevue Public Schools School Board approved a motion to revise the previous dress code, which makes a variety of changes to the previous code, loosening much of its regulations.

One of the biggest of these changes is that students now cannot be checked for dress code violations in front of others; this sort of enforcement is now considered shaming. Leggings, yoga pants, and ripped jeans are also now allowed in all school levels, but hats, midriffs and clothing depicting inappropriate imagery are not allowed.

“We are definitely trying to keep up with the times, keep up with fashion a little bit…on certain things, they’ve gotten a little more lenient and have allowed more now versus back in the day” dean Jessica Prusha said.

The dress code change is in effect as of now, you can view the full revisions and the new dress code here: https://meeting.sparqdata.com/Public/Agenda/60?meeting=28951