The construction of the auditorium includes renovating the main office. Because of this, the office and counseling staff had to move locations.

“We’re scattered,” Rohlfs said. “The three assistant principals are down in room 618, which is the skilled tech science room. The four counselors are upstairs in a couple of social studies rooms and a couple of English rooms. Two of the office secretaries over in counseling are upstairs in the English office. My secretary and activities director secretary are in room 711.”
In case of a medical concern, Rohlfs said that the nurse’s office will be next to room 711, where the teacher’s lounge used to be.
“We’ve got big posters that we’re posting around the building that tell where everybody’s at,” Rohlfs said.

Students will keep with the same emergency exits despite the changes.
“We already adjusted our emergency exits,” Rohlfs said. “So everything we would practice in this year has been around our construction. This will not change any emergency drills for students, because this was never at this point this year.”
The moving of the main office is not permanent, and is expected to run through only this year and finish soon.
“Their plan is that this, all of the office structure, be done by July, so that we can get moved back in for school starts next year,” Rohlfs said.