Opinion: Five things seniors can do to take their minds off of COVID-19


Emma Gage, Managing/Copy Editor

To my fellow seniors, I know that this isn’t the way we ever envisioned our last year of school going. It’s okay to feel upset about missing prom, spring sports and activities, and maybe even graduation; I know I am. However, I want to shed a little bit of light onto our current situation. These challenging times may offer small blessings in a really big, ugly, nasty disguise. While it’s important to stay informed and updated about the virus, here are a couple things that you can do right now to help keep yourself engaged in the real world and to stop yourself from spiraling into worry about COVID-19.

Spend time with your family

This one is important for everyone, but especially to the seniors. Many of us are leaving for college next year and will leave our families and homes for months at a time. Use this unprecedented situation to spend as much time with them as you can. Remind them of how much you love and appreciate them as I’m sure it’s as difficult for them to watch you go through this rough senior year as it is for you to experience it. 

Research jobs or volunteer opportunities for the summer

As the chance of my final softball season getting canceled, along with so many other athletes’ seasons, seems more probable each day, I’ve been left wondering about all the potential free time that I might be stuck with this summer. I have decided to take my passion for one activity and turn it towards another that makes me feel just as happy. Volunteering is something that I have always loved, but never really took the time to look into as often as I would like. In the midst of “coronacation” take the time to look into and make a list of all the positions that you qualify for and can see yourself doing. If you want to make some money this summer, researching local job opportunities may also be helpful.

Reach out to new or old friends

Because everyone is (supposed to be) stuck inside and practicing social distancing, now seems like the perfect time to reach out to friends that we haven’t seen in a while. Check up on each other and get yourselves talking about something other than the global pandemic. On the other hand, you can also start talking to someone new. For those of us going to college next year, join your school’s Facebook group and start looking for a roommate, talking to your future peers, and getting yourself excited for what’s to come.  You can also always write a letter to someone in a retirement or nursing home. 

Use online college and job resources

At the end of the day, we all still need to pick a school or career path to go down next fall. While most campuses are closed, schools are constantly setting up online seminars and other resources as a way to help students make this big decision. Email your academic and admissions counselors, visit their websites, and talk with your supporters in order to make an informed and satisfying decision. 

Instead of focusing on what you haven’t done, reflect on what you have

Don’t let these next couple months define your entire high school career. Take a moment to reflect on your success and other fun moments. Certificates, old projects, and keepsakes may house more good memories than you think. Just taking a couple of minutes to look through videos from football games, weird (and very cringe-worthy) photos from freshman year, and my old Instagram posts has definitely helped to turn my mood around these past weeks.

So yes, this sucks, but ultimately you can choose to wallow in self pity forever or you can give your best effort to make the best of it. You can be mad, but know that this is not the end of everything that you have worked so hard for. It’s only the chance to view things in a new perspective, with a new appreciation.