Yearbook returns to taking club photos in one day

Ellie Woodard, Reporter

Under yearbook adviser Aaron Stueve, yearbook staffers have typically taken club photos all in one day in the fall. Last year, club photos were left up to club sponsors to coordinate, but this year, yearbook returned to their traditional method.

“I tried scheduling appointments,” Stueve said. “Club members wouldn’t show up, teachers wouldn’t show up, sometimes my photographers forgot.” 

Juniors Jaclyn Taggart and Keely Prusia and senior Jay Walker-Schulte came to school at 7:30 a.m. to set up photography equipment in the south gym. The photographers spent the entire day taking photos. 

Larger clubs like Band and ROTC took full class periods to photograph because of additional groups, like concert band or marksmanship, within the clubs. 

Stueve, Taggart, and Prusia agreed that taking all photos in one day during school was best for them because it would get the struggle of organizing the clubs out of the way. Yearbook has deadlines for turning in pages to their publisher, and in order to meet them, the staff needed to photograph the groups in a timely manner, according to Stueve.

“This way, as much as a hassle it is for everybody, it’s done,” said Stueve.