Bellevue Public Schools Receives National Math + Science Initiative Grant

LeAnne Bugay, Editor-in-Chief


On Tuesday, August 28, the National Math and Science Initiative granted Bellevue Public Schools $1.3 million for their three-year College Readiness Program. Superintendent Dr. Jeff Rippe said the grant was officially approved in late spring 2018. Assistant Superintendent Dr. Robert Moore thought BPS should go in this direction because his former school district succeeded under the grant.


According to NMSI’s website, the program “partners with school systems to set and pursue higher expectations for students, support teachers, and increase access and achievement in rigorous math, science and English courses.”


BPS eliminated advanced courses, which left students to decide between regular or Advanced Placement in science and English, as well as provided AP study halls to guide and support these students. Several teachers attended training sessions this summer in Dallas.


The program also requires students to sign a contract promising they will attend Saturday study sessions, take the AP test, and stay in the class unless they drop before Sept. 14.


Moore said that students who earn a 3 or higher on an AP exam will receive $100 per exam. AP teachers will receive $100 for each of their students that receive a qualifying score.


“We believe that all students can have success in rigorous coursework,” Moore said.


An earlier version of this story labeled the grant as the National Science and Math Initiative. The Thunderbeat regrets the error.