Gender neutral pronoun: Embra”ze” cultural evolution

Andrea Gonzales, Reporter

Still in the 21st century, we are close-minded toward the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) community. We are not respecting those who are “different” than we are.

Oxford University recently adapted the new gender neutral pronoun “ze”  to replace the more frequently used “he” and “she.” The goal of this transition is to “prevent transgender students feeling offended by the use of incorrect pronouns and cut down discrimination.”

Those who do not identify with any gender (agender), those who identify with a combination of both male and female genders (bigender), or those who transition into male or female depending on how they feel that day (genderfluid) deserve to be called by the pronouns that reflect their identity.

Practicing this new pronoun would have a monumental impact on society, especially because of how rapidly the LGBT community is growing.

I do not agree with replacing “he” and “she” entirely with “ze.”  The pronoun should be used only for those who want to be referred to it. For example, I am female and prefer to be called “she.” It is a way for me to be represented in society in a way in which I am comfortable. Ultimately, it is a representation of who you are, and only you are capable of deciding that.

It is the same for those who do not feel comfortable with either gender. “Ze” can really make many people feel accepted into society.

I would feel awkward being called something I am not, and because I wouldn’t want anybody else feeling that way, I enforce the use of “ze.”